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Kungshamn (King's Harbour) is a locality and the seat of Sotenäs Municipality in Västra Götaland County, Sweden with 3071 citizens (in 2011). During summers, population is doubled multiple times, as Kungshamn is a popular tourist visit.

The town consists of the former towns of "Gravarne", "Bäckevik" and "Fisketången". Kungshamn is situated on a peninsula just north of Lysekil and on the same longitude as Uddevalla, Skövde and Linköping. Since 1970, the town is connected to the Smögen island by a bridge.

Kungshamn is known for its fishing industry. The Abba Seafood company is located next to Smögen Bridge. Since 1920, all products for the company have been manufactured in the town.