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Krefeld , also known as Crefeld until 1929, is a city in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. It is located northwest of Düsseldorf, its centre lying just a few kilometres to the west of the River Rhine; the borough of Uerdingen is situated directly on the Rhine. Krefeld is accessed by the autobahns A57 ( Cologne– Nijmegen) and the A44 ( Aachen– Düsseldorf– Dortmund– Kassel).

Krefeld is also called the "Velvet and Silk City".

Krefeld's residents speak Hochdeutsch, the standard German taught to all people in Germany. However, the native dialect is a Low German variety, sometimes locally called Krefelder Plattdeutsch, Krieewelsch Platt, Plattdeutsch, or sometimes simply Platt. The Uerdingen line isogloss, separating general dialectical areas in Germany and neighbouring Germanic-speaking countries, runs through and is named after Krefeld's Uerdingen district, originally an independent municipality.

Usage examples of "krefeld".

The Krefeld target file: was open and large-scale maps, target maps, plans, diagrams and vertical photos were arranged around it.

A little over a year ago she had gone to work for Frau Bach in Krefeld, twelve kilometres away in the Ruhr district.

Longfellow held up a target map of Krefeld and tapped the centre of it.

This was the main road that joined KJeve to Krefeld and followed the ancient walls that marked the edge of Altgarten.

This one was flying to Ahaus where he would turn south for fifty miles and, flying under electronic guidance, would lay four red markers upon Krefeld for the heavy bombers to pound.

The yellow datum marker that should have marked the approach to Krefeld, burned brightly as it fell away, leaving thin trails of sparks.

On their present heading the bomber stream would pass over Krefeld at half past midnight.

Moving a hundred miles an hour faster and turning to approach from the north, the Mosquitoes - with their secret Oboe device - would pass over Krefeld three minutes earlier.

Keeping the steady beat of the signals in his ears the pilot had banked his wing to fly a gentle curve that would - at the moment the signal from the second transmitter reached him - bring him at the right distance from Krefeld to allow for the forward movement through the air of the 250-lb target-indicator bombs.

Oboe Mosquito arrived exactly on time over Krefeld and marked the real target with four perfectly placed reds.

The girl found a shiny photograph that had been taken during a previous attack upon Krefeld and studied it carefully before looking at the negatives again.

Then he sits with protruding ear by the radio, or goes to the movies in Viersen, or plays skat with two officers of the Refugee Party, to which he also gives his vote, because he holds that the cemeteries to the left and right of the Vistula estuary, especially the one in Steegen, are richer in ivy than any of the cemeteries between Krefeld and Erkelenz.

They drove south, over the Rhine, crossing into Germany at Emmerich and following the road through Xanten to Krefeld, a large industrial town, a blot on the scenery round about them.

Then I looked up and there was something I had never seen before, but something my cousin from Krefeld had told me about.

Karl Kaufmann was a Rhinelander, a native of Krefeld, and he had been in the Nazi Party since 1921.