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Krambambula (drink)

Krambambula is an alcoholic mix drink or cocktail that typically consists of red wine and various kinds of liquor, including gin, vodka, or rum. There are many different recipes. Commercially produced versions may also be available in some areas.

In recent years, a Krambambula vodka drink flavoured with honey and spices similar to mead has been commercially popularized as the national drink of Belarus. The name was also adopted by Krambambula, a Belarusian folk rock band.

Krambambula (band)

Krambambula is a Belarusian band from Minsk, started by Lavon Volski (also the founder of N.R.M.). The name of the band is derived from a popular Belarusian alcoholic tincture of the same name. The band combines traditional Belarusian folk melodies with modern pop music in humorous and satirical ways. Often they take traditional Belarusian songs and convert them into rock or hip-hop numbers (for example in "Turysty") or vice versa. Some of their songs are pastiches of tunes that were well known during the cold war era in the Eastern Bloc countries; for example, their rendition of the theme song of the popular "Four tank men and a dog" Polish TV show.

Krambambula is banned from performing in Belarus.


Krambambula may refer to:

  • Krambambula (drink)
  • Krambambula (band)