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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Kowtow \Kow*tow"\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Kowtowed; p. pr. & vb. n. Kowtowing.] To perform the kowtow. Same as Kotow

I have salaamed and kowtowed to him.
--H. James.


n. The act of one who kowtows; a submissive bow. vb. (present participle of kowtow English)

Usage examples of "kowtowing".

Since they had not yet reached the gate, he flew after them and, kneeling down outside the threshold, began kowtowing non stop.

Anyway you seem to be blaming me for kowtowing to them and not to you.

They put you down with their story about my kowtowing, so let me return the favor by putting them down, not just with these kowtows but with our lovemaking as well.

But as for his lovesickness over the kowtowing, that is a very serious matter indeed, and will take time to cure.

You'll be doing well if you can get her not to act jealous and keep raking up that kowtowing business.

He fell trembling to his knees, and began kowtowing frantically out towards the courtyard (in the direction of the Imperial Palace).

His eyes fastened upon Master Li like a pair of limpets, and he scuttled up and fell to his knees and began kowtowing energetically.

I decided I had better fall on my knees and do some abject kowtowing, and I had better do it fast.

I found that I was on my knees, kowtowing, and the others were kowtowing in front of me.

Most of them were native K'Vaernians, like the seamen, and figured that kowtowing to princes was for other people.

It had been determined that a certain amount of kowtowing was permissible, but the dose had to be properly balanced.