Kotia is a village located in Kanina tehsil, district Mahendragarh, Haryana. . It is on the Kosli– Kanina road and is 17 kilometres from Kosli and 3 kilometres from Kanina. Kotia village of brave soldiers like paratrooper Hanumaan Singh, the martyer came into existence in 1999 Kargil War. The village has a Govt school up to Middle Class with a certain playground for villagers. Medical facilities are available in Kanina city. Presenty Sarpanch is Smt. Ramgiri Since January 2016. Baba Burjeshwar is the village saint. A mandir is made in memory of Baba Ji that is called Chithoda wala Baba. The population of the village is more than 2996 in which 52% males and 48% females, about 58% are the youngers below age 35, 28% are adults age between 35 to 60, and 14% are senior above age 60. It a village from which about 38.61% person are in Defence. Most people are involved in agricultural activities to earn.