Kootenichela deppi is an extinct arthropod described from the Middle Cambrian of the Kootenay National Park, Canada. It belongs to the " great appendage arthropods". Kootenichela appears to be the sister taxon of Worthenella, from cladistic analysis.
The species name deppi comes from the actor Johnny Depp, after his role as "Edward Scissorhands" in the film of the same name. David Legg, the discoverer of Kootenichela, said:
Kootenichela appears to be a primitive arthropod. It has an elongated body composed of at least 29 segments of similar shape and appearance. On the head, there are large eyes supported by stalks and an appendage resembling an antenna. The appendages bound to the trunk are poorly sclerotised. It was approximately long. Most prominent are the claw-like, spinose cephalic appendages, which seem to suggest affinities with the "great appendage" arthropods.