Kondanagula is a village in Mahbubnagar district, India located 8 km from the town of Achampet. The village is known by its Government Degree college (Sri Umamaheshwara Degree College). The village also has schools from primary to undergraduate level. The population demographic consists mostly of Hindus and Muslims. The people of the village shuttle to nearby town Achampet for their business and personal needs.
Agriculture is the common occupation of the people in the village and no significant industries can be seen inside the village The agriculture products mainly include rice, maize, groundnuts and milk etc. The village is surrounded by small villages Bilakal, Banala and a few more small villages. A part of the population also depends on forest reserves for their livelihood.
This village has a very huge and popular high school named ZPHS Kondanagula. This school plays very significant role in converting the rural children's life into a very bright future. As of today (year 2014), this school has population of 810 students and 30 staff members. This school provides education in both English and Telugu mediums.
The village is no different from any other Indian rural area where people have been migrating from villages to cities over the past decade. The problem of younger generations moving to urban areas would create some imbalance in a healthy community. There is no sign of government providing employment opportunities in rural India to directly or indirectly keep a uniform distribution of population.
The village is having the oldest temples like Pedda Gudibanda and Chinna Gudibanda. In Pedda Gudibanda Lord Shiva is located and the temple is surrounded by big rock. There is small pond in that we can see 365 days water. And it is the best tourism place which is surrounded by greenary.
And in Chinna Gudibanda Lord Chena keshava is located and it is also the oldest temple.
Category:Villages in Mahbubnagar district Category:Villages in Balmoor mandal