Kokolopori is a community of 25-35 villages in Djolu Territory of Tshuapa District in Équateur province, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Kokolopori is an indigenous Congolese community, formerly known as pygmy, which manages a forest reserve, in the heart of the central African rainforest. The sister city partnership is a program of the international not-for-profit Bonobo Conservation Initiative. These villages are located along the road that borders the Kokolopori Bonobo Reserve, a reserve officially registered in 2009 for bonobos (Pan paniscus). Bonobos are one of the three species of great ape which live in the Democratic Republic of Congo - the others being, chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and gorilla (Gorilla gorilla).
The population of Kokolopori numbers about 19,000, and is ethnically Mongandu.
Kokolopori has a sister city relationship with Falls Church, Virginia, which was established in 2006. That relationship undertook several projects by 2009:
- Micro-Enterprise Program, primarily focused on helping women start small businesses.
- Kokolopori Health Clinic, to provide basic health services. This also involved installation of solar panels.
- Support of the Bonobo Conservation Initiative to preserve habitat of bonobos and to create jobs for local people.
- Support for local schools.