Koide village is located in Senapati district, Manipur, India. The Koide people belonging to Lepaona group settled down at Koide under the chieftainship of Napou-Rakhuo. Poumai Naga is a major Naga tribe with a population of 1,79,189 as per 2011 census. There are 84 Poumai revenue recognised villages and Koide villages (Upper Koide and Lower Koide) come under this. Poumai villages are divided into four divisions for administrative purposes as - Chileve circle, Lepaona circle, Paomata Circle and there are also villages located in the periphery of NH39.
The Etymology of Naamai
The name of the village “Naamai” is given by our forefather and is translated as “Rear-Men”. It was named so because they were the people who marched at the rear of the file during their divergence from Makhel. Some school of thought misinterpreted the nomenclature Naamai as the youngest one in the kinsfolk. But the true meaning behind its nomenclature is “Defender or Protector” of their kinsmen, the one who is always behind the weak or the young to encourage to keep up or proceed forward with their march so that defend and protect from the risk of any warring group impeding their adventure or making after them. It is also supported with the events during their dispersal from makhel, that Lapao Suru was way laid by Khyapou Dukhu. Thereby the Naamai Pao led away Lapao Suru overcoming the blockade and reached Naafii. It is also a known fact that by tradition the elderly or the Chivalrous defends the weak or the young one in any undertakings. The existing proof behind the meaning of the nomenclature is supplemented by the Khongdei people, a descendant of Pao Leo, who still called the Naamai as “Nakadai” means a vast shelter place, a place for defending the intruders. Therefore the naming after the village “Naamai” called in our native dialect is very appropriate in every sense according to the chronological sources.
Route of the immigration of Naamai people
Having no written documents to supplements of the past, to trace the origin and history of the Nagas, folk songs, and folk tales forms the archaic which passes through from generation to generation by oral tradition. Obviously says that Pao Leo the ancestor of “Naamai” a Mongolian race was a son of the soil, Makhel. Pao Leo had four sons know as “Lepao Pao dai” whose descendants are the people now called as Lepaona (Children of Pao Leo). The descendants of Makhel follows patriarchal system who also practice patrilocal and patrilineal system. Thereby the inheritance of the father’s property by Rokhu-o clearly denotes that Rokhu-o was the eldest son among Pao Leo’s children. For which the present Naamai village is the inherited place of Rokhu-o the place where the Lepao Paodai first settled and now Naamai is the people who are heir of the ancestral land called Naamai village.