vb. (en-third-person singularknuckle down)
Usage examples of "knuckles down".
He rubbed his knuckles down the arch of my foot and I leaned back with a soft moan.
Murphy skimmed his knuckles down her cheek until she looked back at him again.
Going with the impulse, he ran the back of his knuckles down her jawline.
Watching her, he skimmed his knuckles down her cheek, over her throat.
But Nicholas rolled and, angling his knuckles down, struck the Messulethe, delivered a short twan ch'uan to the Messu-lethe's forehead.
Having pushed herself to the balls of her feet, knuckles down in a runner's starting position, she turned a slow circle, searching the black woods pressing close—.
Having pushed herself to the balls of her feet, knuckles down in a runner's starting position, she turned a slow circle, searching the black woods pressing close&mdash.
He made fists of his painted hands and raised them to his face, drawing the knuckles down over his cheeks.