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a. (archaic spelling of known English)

Usage examples of "knowne".

Moreover she caused, that the wife of a certain lover that she had should never be delivered of her childe, but according to the computation of all men, it is eight yeares past since the poore woman first began to swell, and now shee is encreased so big, that shee seemeth as though she would bring forth some great Elephant : which when it was knowne abroad, and published throughout all the towne, they tooke indignation against her, and ordayned that the next day shee should most cruelly be stoned to death.

When she came in she declared from the beginning to the end the abhomination of this woman: but shee had scarce ended her tale, when opening her falling lips, and grinding her teeth together, she fell downe dead before the face of the Judge, who incontinently to try the truth of the matter, caused the cursed woman, and her servants to be pulled out of the house, and enforced by paine of torment to confesse the verity, which being knowne, this mischievous woman farre lesse then she deserved, but because there could be no more cruell a death invented for the quality of her offence, was condemned to be eaten with wild beasts.

Who comming to that soule-diseased knight,Could hardly him intreat, to tell his griefe:Which knowne, and all that noyd his heauie sprightWell searcht, eftsoones he gan apply reliefeOf salues and med'cines, which had passing priefe,And thereto added words of wondrous might:By which to ease he him recured briefe,And much asswag'd the passion of his plight,That he his paine endur'd, as seeming now more light.

Wherein his weaker wandring steps to guide,An auncient matrone she to her does call,Whose sober lookes her wisedome well descride:Her name was Mercie, well knowne ouer all,To be both gratious, and eke liberall:To whom the carefull charge of him she gaue,To lead aright, that he should neuer fallIn all his wayes through this wide worldes waue,That Mercy in the end his righteous soule might saue.

It lately so befell,That Satyran a girdle did vptake,Well knowne to appertaine to Florimell,Which for her sake he wore, as him beseemed well.

For during Saturnes ancient raigne it's sayd,That all the world with goodnesse did abound:All loued vertue, no man was affraydOf force, ne fraud in wight was to be found:No warre was knowne, no dreadfull trompets sound,Peace vniuersall rayn'd mongst men and beasts,And all things freely grew out of the ground:Iustice sate high ador'd with solemne feasts,And to all people did diuide her dred beheasts.

My name is Burbon hight,Well knowne, and far renowmed heretofore,Vntill late mischiefe did vppon me light,That all my former praise hath blemisht sore.

Gentle reader, thou shalt not read of a fable, but rather a tragedy : This woman when her love began first to kindle in her heart, could easily resist her desire and inordinate appetite by reason of shame and feare, lest her intent should be knowne: But after it compassed and burned every part of her brest, she was compelled to yeeld unto the raging flame of Cupid, and under colour of the disease and infirmity of her body, to conceale the wound of her restlesse mind.

She her beholding with attentiue eye,At length did marke about her purple brestThat precious iuell, which she formerlyHad knowne right well with colourd ribbands drest:Therewith she rose in hast, and her addrestWith ready hand it to haue reft away.