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n. A small hill. Alternate form of ''knoll'', common in Scotland and Ulster; also known in England.

Usage examples of "knowe".

Cheaping Knowe, and thus outwent us while we were fetching that compass to give them the go-by: wherefore I deem that some great man is with them, else had they gone back to town for new orders.

And clerkes* eke, which knowe well *scholars All this magic naturel, That craftily do their intents, To make, in certain ascendents, Images, lo!

But now knowe I, in verray soothfastnesse, That in greet lordshipe, if I wel avyse, Ther is greet servitute in sondry wyse.

And sure he was a man of mickle might,Had he had gouernance, it well to guide:But when the franticke fit inflamd his spright,His force was vaine, and strooke more often wide,Then at the aymed marke, which he had eide:And oft himselfe he chaunst to hurt vnwares,Whilst reason blent through passion, nought descride,But as a blindfold Bull at randon fares,And where he hits, nought knowes, & whom he hurts, nought cares.

In this wide Inland sea, that hight by nameThe Idle lake, my wandring ship I row,That knowes her port, and thither sailes by ayme,Ne care, ne feare I, how the wind do blow,Or whether swift I wend, or whether slow:Both slow and swift a like do serue my tourne,Ne swelling Neptune, ne loud thundring IoueCan chaunge my cheare, or make me euer mourne.

They speak of Alhazen and Vitellon, And Aristotle, that wrote in their lives Of quainte* mirrors, and of prospectives, *curious As knowe they that have their bookes heard.

Crist, which that is to every harm triacle, By certeine meenes ofte, as knowen clerkis, Dooth thyng for certein ende, that ful derk is To mannes wit, that for oure ignorance Ne konne noght knowe his prudent purveiance.

The Miller is a cherl, ye knowe wel this, So was the Reve, and othere manye mo, And harlotrie they tolden bothe two.

These green mounds were known by many names, such as raths, knowes, brughs, lisses, and sitheans or shians, but passage existed also under lakes, in coppices, in wells, in high places and low.

And therfore, syn I knowe of loves peyne, And woot how soore it kan a man distreyne, As he that hath ben caught ofte in his laas, I yow foryeve al hoolly this trespaas, At requeste of the queene that kneleth heere, And eek of Emelye, my suster deere.

And al so certein as we knowe echoon That we shul deye, as uncerteyn we alle Been of that day, whan deeth shal on us falle.

I am ty'd up in Shippes and Goodes, and cou'd not doe as you did, besides the Whiche my Farme at Patuxet hath under it What you Knowe, and wou'd not waite for my com'g Backe as an Other.

Three violent deaths in about seventy years, against which we can only put the case of Thomas, servant to Hume of Cowden Knowes, who was arraigned with his two young masters for the death of the Bastard of Mellerstanes in 1569.

To then Hed blizzard, Unsene Universety, Greatings, I hop you ar well, I am sending to you won Escarrina Smith, shee bath thee maekings of wizzardery but whot may be ferther dun wyth hyr I knowe not slice is a gode worker and clene about hyr person allso skilled in diuerse arts of thee howse, I will send Monies wyth hyr May you liv longe and ende youre days in pese, And oblije, Esmerelder Weatherwaxe (Mss/ wytch.

He is like to be sorry Transylvania is pass't from Hungary to Roumania, and wou'd change his Seat if the Castel weren't so fulle of What we Knowe.