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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Knotgrass \Knot"grass`\, n. (Bot.)

  1. a common weed with jointed stems (Polygonum aviculare); knotweed.

  2. The dog grass. See under Dog.

    Note: An infusion of Polygonum aviculare was once supposed to have the effect of stopping the growth of an animal, and hence it was called, as by Shakespeare, ``hindering knotgrass.''

    We want a boy extremely for this function, Kept under for a year with milk and knotgrass.
    --Beau. & Fl.


n. An annual plant, ''Polygonum aviculare'', found in fields and wasteland


n. low-growing weedy grass with spikelets along the leaf stems [syn: Paspalum distichum]


Knotgrass is a common name for several plants and may refer to:

  • Paspalum distichum, a species of grass
  • Polygonum, a genus of plants in the buckwheat family

Usage examples of "knotgrass".

I remembered how my mother had waged constant warfare on knotgrass that had the temerity to continually reappear among the herbs and flowers she cultivated in the modest patch permitted her by the wealthy merchant who owned the big house.

He'd laid them all tenderly in moist shade before digging out every last root of that cursed knotgrass, following every stubborn rootlet down to its end.

Joining him in the normally forbidden delights of digging and dirt, I'd been just as filthy by the time we'd finished but at least my mother had never seen the knotgrass again.

Lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed, and knotgrass," she murmured, running her finger down the list of ingredients.