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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Knight-errant \Knight"-er`rant\, n.; pl. Knight-errants, or Knights-errant. A wandering knight; a knight who traveled in search of adventures, for the purpose of exhibiting military skill, prowess, and generosity.

Usage examples of "knight-errants".

The legend of this city and its unfathomable riches had been repeated by all of the Spanish chroniclers, and for seventy years the conquistadores, those knight-errants of the jungle, had navigated the Orinoco and its tributaries in search of it.

Although he found no sign of it, other would-be discoverers were undaunted, and for the next few decades one conquistador after another set off into the jungle like knight-errants in the romances of chivalry so popular at the time.

Letting her knight-errants do all the dirty work is kinda tough on you.