n. (plural of klick English)
Usage examples of "klicks".
Fifteen klicks south by southeast, an entire belchfield of them, rising slowly toward the cap ice just as languidly as the wax blobs did in his lava lamp.
But with no harvester submersible within a thousand klicks, the beautiful beastie would be torn to shreds and devoured by the parasites in the flashlight kelp colonies, by salt sharks, by free-floating tube worms, and by other kraken long before a company harvester could get near it.
This diapir was about fifteen klicks across and rising rapidly as it approached the surface cap.
The critters refused to rise closer than five klicks to the surface cap.
Do you walk across the ocean bottom for a thousand klicks or so, carrying me as you go?
If our trajectory had been a few hundred klicks to the west, we would have impacted on the Tempe Terra hills.
There was no question that the chariot or its occupants had some sort of target acquisition device that had worked well at 8,000 klicks of distance.
At sixty-one hours after splashdown, there was only one chariot visible to radar, but it was circling just eight klicks above them and ten to the north.
Beyond the seaport and quarry there, the jumble of canyons and cliff-collapses runs hundreds of kilometers west and scores of klicks north and south.
The wind speed went from five kilometers per hour out of the west to a hundred klicks per hour from the south in less than a second.
His sensors were showing I another planet, this one roughly the size of Corellia, about a hundred thousand klicks away.
They should form a diffuse cloud, at least ten thousand klicks across by the time the courser intersects it.
Its path will bring it across our stern still a hundred thousand klicks away.
RPVs up there quartering the area for a couple klicks in every direction.
Jocasta was silent in thought long enough for the Harmony to eat up five klicks of highway.