n. (archeology) a mound of domestic refuse containing shells and animal bones marking the site of a prehistoric settlement [syn: eitchen midden, midden]
Usage examples of "kitchen midden".
Behind every door was a smelly kitchen midden with everything from dirty rushes smelling of urine and rotting meat, to the contents of night pots.
Only the Christians use the cloister as a kitchen midden for their unwanted daughters and widows.
He'd thrown the bits of the bowl into the kitchen midden, had put those seven skulls in one of the potting sheds and drawn the Circles around them, Light side inward, just in case.
Look: there's the kitchen midden, so the kitchen's got to be right there.
A birth defect of that sort would have resulted in the infant being exposed on the kitchen midden for dogs to eat.
Something had carefully examined an exploring ship's kitchen midden to find out what sort of beings human beings might be.