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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Kingly \King"ly\, a. [Compar. Kinglier; superl. Kingliest.] Belonging to, suitable to, or becoming, a king; characteristic of, or resembling, a king; directed or administered by a king; monarchical; royal; sovereign; regal; august; noble; grand. ``Kingly magnificence.''
--Sir P. Sidney. ``A kingly government.''
--Swift. ``The kingly couch.''

The kingliest kings are crowned with thorn.
--G. Massey.

Leave kingly backs to cope with kingly cares.

Syn: Regal; royal; monarchical; imperial; august; sovereign; noble; splendid.

Usage: Kingly, Regal. Kingly is Anglo-Saxon, and refers especially to the character of a king; regal is Latin, and now relates more to his office. The former is chiefly used of dispositions, feelings, and purposes which are kinglike; as, kingly sentiments; kingly condescension; `` a kingly heart for enterprises.''
--Sir P. Sidney. The latter is oftener applied to external state, pomp, etc.; as, regal state, regal title, etc. This distinction is not observed by our early writers, but is gaining ground.


a. (en-comparative of: kingly)

Usage examples of "kinglier".

Never had sleep been more refreshing nor food tasted more savoury, and he began already to harden and his face wore a kinglier look.

He is (in your Lordship’s private ear) a kinglier man than ever Miraz was.

He is (in your Lordship's private ear) a kinglier man than ever Miraz was.