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n. A kind of short sword or dagger used in Russia.

Usage examples of "kindjal".

The squat little man knelt beside his victim, placed one yellow-brown hand palm down on her chest, and grasped the hilt of the kindjal with the other, gingerly, at first, exerting just enough pressure to see how deeply the blade was imbedded and to ascertain if point or edge was stuck in bone.

But a split second before he had come within range to try to accomplish his risky purpose, the familiar-looking hilt of a kindjal was standing out from her chest, a look of shocked pain was on her face, and she was falling backward onto the floor.

Carefully cleaning the kindjal blade on the leg of her breeches, he then returned it to its scabbard at his waist.

Then, closely followed by the orientalwho, for all his protestations of trust in the motives of the visitors, kept his hands near to the cocked pistol and the kindjal knife in his belthe lifted aside the canvas and entered the second chamber of the luxurious pavilion.

Hardly had he set the lanthorn down, however, when the younger of the two Kalmyks who also served His Grace of Norfolk entered through the door that led in from the hallway, a wheel-lock dag in one hand and a kindjal in the other, his yellow-brown face expressionless, but his eyes slitted.

Xavier's flanking kindjals went down, crashing into already-ruined buildings.

He glanced around the work grid, at the kindjals glinting in sunlight.

The kindjals paced them closely, just off the update ship's short wings.

The murderous machine shook itself free of the rubble, then launched a counterattack at the kindjals overhead.

Weapons primed and bombs ready to drop, the kindjals descended to ward the first cymek target, one of the smaller machines.

Mobile armored ground units opened fire from the surface, while kindjals dropped powerful bombs from above.

Two of Xavier's flanking kindjals went down, crashing into already-ruined buildings.

His kindjals launched their weapons as the cymek pod soared into the smoky sky with enough thrust to reach escape velocity.

The kindjals turned back toward the ground, concentrating on the next cymek.

The mission of the kindjals was to cause confusion and chaos, to distract the unimaginative robotic defenders so that the Sorceress volunteer could land safely and carry out her essential work.