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n. (plural of kilometre English)

Usage examples of "kilometres".

Again, on 12 February 1947, yet another Russian city had a still narrower escape, when the second great meteorite of the twentieth century detonated less than four hundred kilometres from Vladivostok, with an explosion rivalling that of the newly invented uranium bomb.

Moving at fifty kilometres a second, a thousand tons of rock and metal impacted on the plains of northern Italy, destroying in a few flaming moments the labour of centuries.

And not one in a thousand of these, during the entire future history of the solar system, would pass within a million kilometres of Earth.

An object forty kilometres across, with a rotation period of only four minuteswhere did that fit into the astronomical scheme of things?

The Earth had only to move a few million kilometres sunwardsor starwardsfor the delicate balance of climate to be destroyed.

The first images, from ten thousand kilometres away, brought to a halt the activities of all mankind.

Its body was a cylinder so geometrically perfect that it might have been turned on a latheone with centres fifty kilometres apart.

Endeavour had squirted Rama with one of her jets from a safe thousand kilometres away.

Commander Norton did not relish the thought of his ship slithering across the polar plain, gaining speed minute by minute until it was slung off into space at a thousand kilometres an hour when it reached the edge of the disc.

He was at one end of a hollow cylinder at least ten kilometres wide, and of indefinite length.

Mercer knew that it formed a complete circle and that if he walked along it for five kilometres he would come right back to his starting point, having circumnavigated Rama.

And so a falling body would hit against the smooth curve that swept in an unbroken arc to the plain almost seven kilometres below.

Mercer glanced up towards the Hub of Rama, now almost two kilometres above him.

Despite his steady nerves and lack of imagination, he was not sure how he would react if he could see himself like an insect crawling up the face of a vertical saucer more than sixteen kilometres highand with the upper half overhanging above him.

Three kilometres down from the central Hub, the hundred-metre wide oval of light lay across a section of that colossal stairway.