Kilmanaghan is a civil parish which spans the counties of Offaly and Westmeath in Ireland. It is located about south–west of Mullingar and north–west of Tullamore.
Kilmanaghan is one of 4 civil parishes in the barony of Clonlonan (Westmeath) and 4 civil parishes in the barony of Kilcoursey (Offaly), both in the Province of Leinster. The civil parish covers , in County Westmeath and in County Offaly.
Kilmanaghan civil parish comprises the town of Moate, 10 townlands in County Westmeath and 22 Townlands in County Offaly:
County Westmeath: Ardnaponra, Bawnoges, Cappantack, Cloghbane, Culleenagower, Killeenboylegan, Kilnahinch, Legan, Magheramurry and Toorfelim.
County Offaly: Ballinaminton East, Ballinaminton West, Bolart North, Bolart South, Cloghanamina, Cloghatanny, Garryduff or Greenville, Gorteen, Greenville or Garryduff, Kilcurley, Kilfoylan, Kilmanaghan, Kippeenduff, Lurgan, Moyally, Newtown, Shanballynakill, Tinamuck East, Tinamuck South, Tinamuck West, Tober, Tully and Wilton.
The neighbouring civil parishes are: Ballyloughloe and Kilcumreragh to the north, Ardnurcher or Horseleap and Kilbride to the east, Lemanaghan and Rahan to the south and Kilcleagh to the west.