Kihikihi, a small town located in the Waikato region of the North Island of New Zealand, serves as a satellite community of Te Awamutu, five kilometres to the north, and lies 35 kilometres south of Hamilton. The 2006 census recorded a population of 1,959 people, an increase of 18 since 2001.
The town's outer rim has merged with the expanding rim of Te Awamutu, rendering the boundary between the two towns difficult to perceive.
Kihikihi means " cicada" in the Māori language: the name imitates the sound made by the insect. A large statue of a cicada stands at the northern entrance to the town.
Kihikihi's multi-purpose sports domain hosts national and international equestrian events such as the FEI Eventing World Cup.
The town is also home to the historic Kihikihi Polo Club, founded in 1892 by the Kay family.