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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Kidney-form \Kid"ney-form`\, Kidney-shaped \Kid"ney-shaped`\, a. Having the form or shape of a kidney; reniform; as, a kidney-shaped leaf; a kidney-shaped swimming pool.


adj. of a leaf or bean shape resembling the shape of kidney [syn: reniform]

Usage examples of "kidney-shaped".

Lava lamps, kidney-shaped plastic tables, a lampshade made out of Bon Ami and Ajax cleanser cartons, wrought-iron and black-canvas chairs you sank down into like hammocks, an old Motorola console TV.

I don't know what Chesil Beach is like towards the Weymouth end, but along this stretch it consisted of great drifts of small, kidney-shaped pebbles worn to a uniform smoothness by eons of wave action.

There was a lot to put politeness to the test: turquoise walls, a painted vase (the scene: a woman in pedal pushers walking a poodle), Lava lamps, kidney-shaped plastic tables, a lampshade made out of Bon Ami and Ajax cleanser cartons, wrought-iron and black-canvas chairs you sank down into like hammocks, an old Motorola console TV.

The sori are on the upper half of the frond, at the back of the pinnules, in round masses towards the base of the segments, covered with a conspicuous, kidney-shaped indusium.