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kiddie porn

n. (context slang English) child pornography.

kiddie porn

n. the illegal use of children in pornographic pictures or films [syn: child pornography, kiddy porn]

Usage examples of "kiddie porn".

Even if you are doing what you see as your civic duty by vandalizing kiddie porn -- it’.

The war on kiddie porn is now getting into high gear, though I was once assured by Wardell Pomeroy, Alfred Kinsey's colleague in sex research, that pedophilia was barely a blip on the statistical screen, somewhere down there with farm lads and their animal friends.

The war on kiddie porn is now getting into high gear, though I was once assured by Wardell Pomeroy, Alfred Kinsey’.

The third will be handled only by uninterested people wearing full-body disposable rip-stop coveralls including 50-mil rubber gloves and boots and breathing through masks, who'll seal the kiddie porn in underground vaults where it can sit out its bazillion-year half-life.