Kheti is a Sanskrit word, meaning farming. It is used in many Indian Subcontinental languages specially in Punjabi.
Kheti (alt. Khety, Akhtoy, Aktoy, Achthoes): is also a personal ancient Egyptian name popular during the First Intermediate Period. While the existence of the men below is not in dispute, their relationships to each other and other historical personalities often is.
Kheti was an Ancient Egyptian vizier of the Twelfth Dynasty under king Amenemhet III, around 1800 BC. Kheti is known from a papyrus fragment dated to year 29 of that king. He is the only vizier who can be specifically dated to the rule of Amenemhat III. In the Installation of the Vizier, a text referring to the office of the vizier, found in several New Kingdom tombs, there is mentioned a famous vizier named Kheti. About him is said: He impoverished his associates for the benefits of others. It seems possible that both sources refer to the same person.