Khatangi is a prominent village in Bihar, India. It is situated in Sonbhadra-Bansi-Surajpur Block in Arwal district of the State of Bihar. It is located at 96.1 km distance from Arwal and at 114 km distance from the state capital Patna. It is a very old village with a population of about 5,000 people. The literacy rate is 45.56%, comprising a female literacy rate of 27.3% and a male literacy rate of 62.98%.
Khatangi village is connected via road from all the four sides, viz., Aurangabad, Arwal, Gaya and Jehanabad. Regular buses fly between Jehanabad and Khatangi and between Gaya and Khatangi. People here are very friendly and hospitable. The economy of this village is agro-based and agriculture remains the main source of income.
Khatangi is a Gram Panchayat. The surrounding villages are Majhiawan (north), Sarbahada (south), Rapura (east) and Chandaukhar (west). It has two satellite sub-villages named Deva Bigaha and Mahadeo Bigaha.