Khairekan is a village 7 km away from Sirsa district of Haryana. This village is situated on NH 10 Dabwali road Sirsa. The pin code of this village is 125077. Castes there are Bishnoi, Arora, Jaat, Sharma, Kamboj, Kumhar, Suthar, Chamar, Kashyap, Bawri, Bajigar, Valmiki and Jogi's. This village people knows Punjabi, Bagri and Hindi languages More than 5000 peoples are there. Khairekan is very peaceful village in the sirsa region. The current sarpanch/mukhiya of the village is Sh. Nishant Josan. There is a small postoffice in Khairekan. There is own Power house and Water works in Khairekan. Most of the villagers are lived on agriculture. There is a agriculture shop whose owner name Sh. Jaspal Singh. The name of the shop is S.L.Agriculture Works.The shop is near Pipli chowk. The shop is famous in almost Haryana, Punjab and some parts of Rajasthan. In this village there are facilities such as society bank, Veterinary Hospital, Harijan Chopal, Aanganwadi Kendra, Cricket, Handball playground and Gym. The players of Handball of this village played at national level. There are many hospitals.
There are two Government schools one is co-ed and the other is for girls at the primary level. Named first as Govt. High school, Khairekan and the second one as Govt. Girls' school Khairekan. There is a private school named R.P. Sen.Sec. School. Small type of industries are also developed there because of short distance to the city sirsa. The first is Neeraj Cotton jinning factory (on Bappan Road) and Sunrise interlock tiles manufacturing factory (situated on Karwasra Farm Road). There are two petrol pumps in 1 km range of the Khairekan: one is of Bharat Petroleum and the other is of Hindustan Petroleum.
Khairekan is situated on the bank of the Ghaggar river, so most of the nearby agricultural land is cultivated in the fear of the flood. There is also benefit of Ghaggar river in dripping nearby lands of this village through pipelines. Most of the area of Khairekan looks greenery. There is a new bank open "HARYANA GRAMIN BANK" Sponsor by Punjab National Bank at 27 Sep 2013.