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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"preaching," 1889, from Greek kerygma "proclamation, preaching," from keryssein "to proclaim," related to keryx "herald."


n. The apostolic proclamation of religious truths, especially as taught in the Gospels.


n. preaching the gospel of Christ in the manner of the early church [syn: kerugma]


Kerygma (from the Greek word kérugma) is a Greek word used in the New Testament for "preaching" (see Luke 4:18-19, Romans 10:14, ). It is related to the Greek verb kērússō, literally meaning "to cry or proclaim as a herald" and being used in the sense of "to proclaim, announce, preach". Merriam-Webster defines it as "the apostolic proclamation of salvation through Jesus Christ". Among Bible scholars, the term has come to mean the core of the early church's oral tradition about Jesus.

Usage examples of "kerygma".

Christian preaching is kerygma, that is, a proclamation addressed not to the theoretical reason, but to the hearer as a self.