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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Cassimere \Cas"si*mere\, n. [Cf. F. casimir, prob. of the same origin as E. cashmere. Cf. Kerseymere.] A thin, twilled, woolen cloth, used for men's garments.


n. A fine, twilled woollen cloth.


Kerseymere is a fine woolen cloth with a fancy twill weave. In printing fine work during the mid-19th century, the blankets that lay between the tympans were either fine kerseymere or superfine woolen cloth.

Usage examples of "kerseymere".

When Madame sat to piquet, Sarah hinted to John Kerseymere that he should counsel Lady Varington upon the selection of a horse, and saw with satisfaction that young lady turn her doelike eyes up to her newfound benefactor most irresistibly.

If John Kerseymere did not find the reality of a young admirer more alluring than chasing after Corina the Unattainable, Sarah would give him up.

He poked a thumb toward a table where Lady Varington and Paulette Cantonfield gestured, and Edgar Kerseymere, sitting next to his brother, John, waved a forkful of beef cheerily.

Sarah and George joined the table, John and Edgar Kerseymere made extravagant compliments on her dress.

She pulled out a kerseymere shawl and spread it over her bare shoulders, then turned, smirking, as Harbord woke up.

She accepted a fresh tucker of lace from Morag for her violet kerseymere gown.

She followed her mistress down the stairs, carrying a sapphire-blue kerseymere pelisse and the fur tippet and immense muff the earl had insisted Delia purchase.

He was dressed with all the English peculiarity, namely, in a blue coat, with gilt buttons and high collar, in the fashion of 1811, a white kerseymere waistcoat, and nankeen pantaloons, three inches too short, but which were prevented by straps from slipping up to the knee.

She could scarcely complain that she had to wear the dowager-styled kerseymere now.

Indeed, he looked abominably self-assured and handsome, with his tail coat of cobalt saxony fitting those broad shoulders to perfection, his pantaloon trousers of fine kerseymere hugging thighs too muscular for a nobleman, and his cravat tied simply, as if he had more important things to do than wait for a valet to engineer a complicated knot.

As he settled her more firmly astride his thigh, the slit in her drawers gaped open so that her most deeply private part pressed directly against his leg, with only a whisper of kerseymere separating his skin from hers.

Under her gown of blue kerseymere, she wore a long linen corset and two petticoats.

He was wearing a corbeau-colored coat and the latest thing in scarlet waistcoats with kerseymere breeches and brown top boots.

Honey selected one of her old kerseymere gowns and covered it with her sage-green cloak.

His long, well-muscled legs were shown to advantage in a pair of fitting, drab-colored kerseymere breeches which were fastened below the knee with gilt buttons.