In a local tradition of the Mascarene Islands, Kérdik (French and creole: [kɛʀ'dik], from classical Sanskrit: हार्दिकः ['ha:rdikə], PIE ['ker] “the heart”, with influence of creole's noun for “heart”: [keʁ]) is a solar deity or a demon, which is able to incarnate into living beings such as animals or human beings. People who witness one of his incarnations are said to lose their minds and end up obeying to the deity.
In Mascarene Islands, witchcraft and testimonies about possessions are somehow common. In this context, the god Kérdik appears like a mix between cultures present in the Indian Ocean where Hinduism and Afro-European mythologies are very active together. Kérdik is said to be the son of the Hindu goddess Kali – already worshiped in Hindu communities of the islands, but who don't acknowledge the cult of Kérdik – and the Snake God Paradise who is the protector of the Divine Garden.
Some people who “encountered” Kérdik said he looks like a tall skinny humanoid creature with greenish blue skin, “sun-coloured” hair and lizard grey eyes. He can take on avatars by which he may possess and control third parts. He is a god of love, war, action and humor. He is not described as a handsome god. However, he has sufficient charisma to make people happy with his presence and bow their will under his power. He teaches human beings to search for innocent pleasures, friendship and respect for nature. He is somehow an eco-god and is worshiped as a human incarnation of the Sun.
Although Kérdik is a god of humor and happiness, he may convert into a terrifying creature with armour. He then crushes his own worshipers under his huge celestial form. Every morning, he makes another world with his head associated to the Sun and he guards the night with his eyes associated with the Moon and the stars. One of his main attributes is the heart, which may explain his name. Because of local mixity in religions, he is revered as the Sacred Heart in Christian contexts. His name is said to come from the secret Sun's name. Another symbol for him, is then the Dharmacakra. It is not clear whether there is or not any Buddhist reference.
Among other symbols we find animals such as birds, reptiles, fishes and goats. As Kérdik's birth take place after the solstice of December which marks the astrological month of Capricorn, fishes and goats are very common symbols. For the ones who "encountered" Kérdik, they try to celebrate the annual festival within the celebrations of Christmas and Epiphany.
Kérdik's cult is not official and yet not acknowledged by the majority of the population of the Mascarene Islands. Thus his legend may be part of the local folklore which is very creative, among witches and ghosts popular stories.
From what the description we have, Kérdik appears like a local blend of mythologies such as Pan or Crius in the Greek mythology, Loki in the Norse myths and above all, the vedic Surya with whom many characteristics are common.