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Kerchoonz is a social networking website founded in April 2008 and launched live in September 2008 Kerchoonz has been described as "A modern Record Deal" for bands and artists. Music fans have access to music for free and the bands get paid for each stream listened to via an advertising share that they receive from the site. Bands can also sell their music directly from their profile player and set the price for their own download sales. Users can create free accounts in the following categories: Fan, Artist, Record Label, DJ, Industry Pro or Writer.

Kerchoonz offers an online shop for bands, allowing bands to sell their digital downloads and their physical CDs, T-shirts and gear through their own social networking profile on the site as well as in K-Ching, an on-line direct sale and auction shop. Regular non-artist members can also sell used and new items on K-Ching and set up a store on their Kerchoonz profile.

The site was created as 'an alternative to piracy'.