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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Kerchiefed \Ker"chiefed\, Kerchieft \Ker"chieft\, a. Dressed; hooded; covered; wearing a kerchief.


a. Wearing a kerchief.

Usage examples of "kerchiefed".

On sir nding strip, kerchiefed peasant women were mowing hay in the sunshine.

She hurried to the car, followed in a moment by Slote, who first said good-bye at the door to a kerchiefed old woman in heavy boots.

In this back country, Byron saw no young men, and only two or three kerchiefed, skirted figures that from their slimness and supple movements might have been girls.

She’d gone in, shawled and kerchiefed, and had emerged fifteen minutes later in a dropwaisted dress and a floppy hat shaped like a chamber pot.

After that, there was nothing more to see on the left side except the rolling farm fields dotted with kerchiefed peasant drabs.

Belluomo rises from the bed of his wife's lover's wife, the kerchiefed housewife is astir, a saucer of acetic acid in her hand.

He’s crossed paths with the woman a couple of times, padded and kerchiefed like a Russian granny, labouring with parcels and baby buggy.

He glanced around for something to splint it with, and caught sight of someone, a kerchiefed head, over the sidewall.