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n. (plural of kepi English)

Usage examples of "kepis".

They could parade the streets, escorted by a gold-trimmed kepis that attracted the notice of the passers-by and the respectful salute of the lower ranks.

They were armed with old muskets, and were wearing the red kepis as their only military distinction.

With their cloaks adorned with medals, their theatrical Moorish garments, their kepis and their African headdresses, this heroic band presented, nevertheless, a lamentable aspect.

Among the kneeling mass were many soldiers with bandaged heads, kepis in hand and tearful eyes.

In one of the breaches appeared a red kepis followed by legs of the same color trying to clamber over the ruins.

Everywhere red pantaloons were sticking up out of the stubble, hobnailed boots glistening in upright position near the roadside, livid heads, amputated bodies, stray limbs — and, scattered through this funereal medley, red kepis and Oriental caps, helmets with tufts of horse hair, twisted swords, broken bayonets, guns and great mounds of cannon cartridges.

When uttering these words, Dona Luisa always saw Julio as he looked in a pale photograph which he had sent his father from the trenches — with kepis and military cloak, a gun in his right hand, and his face shadowed by a growing beard.

The trousers of bright scarlet cloth, the red kepis which he had hailed with such joy in the expedition of the Marne, no longer existed.

On these were hanging dark kepis, red caps, and helmets topped with tufts of horsehair, slowly disintegrating and weeping atmospheric tears at every point.

The number of bodies within could be told by the mouldering kepis or rusting helmets hanging on the arms of the cross.

He began to see more uniforms, mostly Confederate, a grungy-looking bunch in mismatched uniforms, different shades of gray, a few wearing kepis but most of them favoring slouch hats, some black ones, no shape to them.

Smart in their pillbox kepis with the back flaps hanging to the shoulder, khaki uniforms freshly pressed, and put teed legs rising and falling in unison, they made as gallant a show as any commander could wish.

They left Pondicherry in 1954, leaving behind nice white buildings, broad streets at right angles to each other, street names such as rue de la Marine and rue Saint-Louis, and kepis, caps, for the policemen.