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Kentuck may refer to:

  • Kentuck, Alabama
  • Kentuck, Virginia
  • Kentuck, West Virginia

Usage examples of "kentuck".

As a child, Daffer once saw a big miner from the Kentuck coalfields take six .

Some of those who came to work on Gold Mountain were from Africa, some from India, even a small number from Europe, but the most who answered the call were Vinlanders like Michael and me, mostly from the southern states of Tejas, Tennessee, Kentuck, and Oklahoma.

Chinamen and women of position and standing could sometimes be found, lounging on hardwood benches, smoking thick-rolled cigars and sipping Tennessee whisky or Kentuck bourbon.

As Dave leaned over him, Kentuck made a flopping noise with his tongue, such as a dog makes in going through the motions of licking a hand he cannot reach.

Dave had laid the dog upon his own bunk, Beth Warren, kneeling on the floor, threw her arms around Kentuck and buried her face in the shaggy red coat.

It had not occurred to Beth Warren to mention the name of the man who had shot the dog Kentuck, nor had it occurred to Liggett to ask.

It was there the Kentucks and other traders exchanged their products for gold and started the long walk upriver and home.

It would follow and, where possible, preserve the original trail made through the swamps and forest by Kentucks, entrepreneurs out of what would become Kentucky, walking back home after rafting goods down the Mississippi to be sold at the port in Natchez, and by the outlaws who preyed upon them, by Indians trading and warring and finally by soldiers of the Union Army bent on bringing the South to heel.

But, so it wuz, that arter Uncle 'Abe' hed got over his mournin', he wuz married ter a woman w'ich hed lived down in Kentuck.