n. (context mineralogy English) A trigonal-ditrigonal pyramidal yellowish brown mineral containing calcium, fluorine, hydrogen, la,ce,pr,nd,sm,, manganese, niobium, oxygen, silicon, sodium, and zirconium.
Kentbrooksite is a moderately rare mineral of the eudialyte group, with formula (Na,REE)(Ca,REE)MnZrNbSi[(SiO)(SiO)O]F·2HO. This extended formula shows the presence of cyclic silicate groups and dominance of Si at the M4 site, according to the nomenclature of the eudialyte group. The characteristic features of kentbrooksite, that make it different from eudialyte are: (1) dominancy of fluorine (the only currently known example among the whole group), (2) dominancy of manganese, and (3) dominancy of niobium. Trace hafnium and magnesium are also reported. Kentbrooksite is relatively common when compared to most other species of the group.