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The Kendayan (also known as Dayak Kendayan or Kanayatn) people are an ethnic group native to Kalimantan, Indonesia. Dayak Kanayatn grouped into categories clump Land Dayak-Klemantan by HJ Mallinckrodt (1928). But According C.H. Duman (1929), is part of the Kanayatn Dayak Ot Danum Clump- Maanyan- Ngaju. However, research by W.Stohr (1959) states that opinions CH Duman is wrong because when viewed from the region, language, as well as customary law, Dayak Kanayatn not show an association with clumps group Ot-Danum- Maanyan- Ngaju, but more to the group Land Dayak- Klemantan. Even giving Landak District names based on the majority Dayak community Kanayatn which is part of the clump Land Dayak (Land Dayak or Land Djak in Dutch spelling). Kanayatn and Salako, in fact is one tribe. Salako people assume that "Kanayatn" is actually not the real name of this tribe.