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n. (alternative spelling of keister English)

Usage examples of "keester".

And then Brendan, just to keep it all moving, Brendan comes along and pats Silvio on the keester for his great record of never getting reversed.

A bright bolt seared down, striking the satyr directly in the keester, frying him on the spot.

Use your brains and that money I told you where to find and give it to him good, a good one in the keester from Sergeant Dick Stens.

I remember instead the night Lavelle Brown committed suicide with a kitchen knife, and the day I was forced to become a keester bunny.

And supposing she told Sophie that the sexual excitement of sleeping with two men had been intoxicating, and supposing she told Sophie that, by holding her tight all night long, Charlie had restored her to life, or supposing she told Sophie what happened to her in the shower facility, and supposing she told Sophie what a keester bunny was ?

Oswald realized several years ago that the only way he was going to get his scrawny little keester firmly planted in that red leather chair was to find himself an issue which would get him noticed.

It was a pain in the keester to hunt down her clothing after every full moon, but she was a far larger wolf than human, and well, that was probably a good thing.

The Empress had not even noticed him, and I was almost elevated to the position of Royal Favorite-all because I had intrigued her curiosity with my astonishment at seeing her, and had knocked General Cromus on his keester with a single blow.

I said I'd keester communists and bash ban-the-bombers, and dig up dirt on that dowager dyke Eleanor Roosevelt.