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keep apart

v. set apart from others; "The dentist sequesters the tooth he is working on" [syn: sequester, sequestrate, set apart, isolate]

Usage examples of "keep apart".

Antinous, lying in the bottom of the boat, had leaned his head on my knees, pretending to sleep in order to keep apart from a conversation which did not include him.

And they do keep apart, forbid outside marriages on pain of exile, hold themselves to be special breed who will at last play special role related to Builders.

If they don't run it, triads will, and then the splinter groups of rotten little bastards we so carefully keep apart will join together again into one big tong and then we'll really have a real problem.

The activity itself is not destructive unless the compulsion to keep busy is one and the same as the compulsion to keep apart.

How usual they sound, Torien thought, as if this was practice -- as if there weren't thousands of Vellant'im ready to tear Goddess Keep apart and weave our rings through their beards.