Katrathal is a village in Sikar tehsil of Sikar district in Rajasthan, India. It is situated at a distance of from Sikar on State Highway No. 8 ( Sikar– Jhunjhunu Road).This ancient village is believed to be founded about 5000 years back. The ruins of Buddhist temples are found in the village. The village derives its name from combination of Sanskrit words ‘Katra’ (a market surrounded on all sides by walls) + ‘Sthal’ (place). (Katra+Sthal = Katrathal).
The village is believed to be associated with the King Kichak. Kichak was the brother of queen of King Virata, the king of Matsya. Kichak was slain by Bhima during one year of incognito exile spent by Pandavas at the court of king Virata.
In the ancient time the village was inhabited by Buddhist people. In later period there were Jains, Oswals etc but they migrated elsewhere.