Kanamachi (2013) is a Bengali political thriller film directed by Raj Chakraborty and produced by Ashok Dhanuka under his banner, Eskay Movies. This film is remake of Tamil successful film Ko . The music directors of the film are Indradeep Dasgupta and Rishi Chanda.
Kanamachi is a Kolkata-Bengali TV series that premiered on June 9, 2014 on the channel STAR Jalsha. The series stars Farhan Imroze, Joyeeta Goswami, Anindita Bose and Sudip Mukherjee, directed by Suman Das and Tamal Maity.
Kanamachi is a village game popular in Bangladesh and in the Indian states of West Bengal, Assam and Tripura. It is played mainly by children and is one of the most popular games among Bangladeshi villagers. Children living in towns and cities also love the game in great amounts.