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Usage examples of "kaline".

The first down the gangplank were servants, Mistress Kaline among them.

Mistress Kaline was too sick to badger her charge into foolishness, and Tadai had other things on his mind.

Mistress Kaline seemed to be of the same race: the tutor had recovered as soon as she stepped onto more-or-less dry land.

When Ilna had last glanced at Merota, the girl was amidships with Mistress Kaline, the impoverished noblewoman who acted as her governess.

Ilna had continued to employ Mistress Kaline after Merota became her ward, in part because the stern old snob did in her way truly love the child, but also because Ilna was more afraid of her own power than she was of anything else in this world or beyond it.

Mistress Kaline, perhaps, but as sick as the governess looked, probably not even her.

Mistress Kaline, who spent most of every voyage sprawled face down on a grating, close to the gunwale so that she could stick her head over the side whenever another spasm struck her.

Ilna had last glanced at Merota, the girl was amidships with Mistress Kaline, the impoverished noblewoman who acted as her governess.

Uncle Tadai's been taking care of me, but Mistress Kaline says it's only common sense that he marry me to a wealthy man who wants a noble wife.