Kalathappam also known as Kalthappam, is a North Malabar, especially Kasaragod, rice cake or delicacy made of grind rice (brown rice), water, coconut oil, jaggery sugar, fried onions or shallots, coconut flakes, cardamom powder and either cooked in a pan like a pancake or baked in a traditional oven or even a rice cooker.
Traditional Kasaragodian way of cooking Kalthappam is a bit different from other places. The batter of rice, coconut flakes, onions, cardomom and water is poured into hot oil in a traditional utensil called Uruli. Then a metal is placed over the uruli over which fire is placed in coconut shells and heated from both up and down. This cooks the Kalthappam from both ends and gives us a crunchy shell all over.