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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Kaffir corn

Kaffir \Kaf"fir\ (k[a^]f"f[~e]r), Kafir \Ka"fir\ (k[aum]"f[~e]r), n. [Ar. k[=a]fir infidel, pagan, fr. kafara to be skeptical in religious matters; -- a name given to certain infidel races by the Mohammedans. Cf. Giaour.]

  1. (Ethnol.)

    1. One of a race which, with the Hottentots and Bushmen, inhabit South Africa. They inhabit the country north of Cape Colony, the name being now specifically applied to the tribes living between Cape Colony and Natal, including the Ponda, Xosa, and Tembu; but the Zulus of Natal are true Kaffirs.

    2. One of a race inhabiting Kafiristan in Central Asia.

  2. Any Black African; -- a disparaging and offensive term used by white South Africans. [South Africa]

    Syn: kaffir, caffer, caffre.

    Kaffir corn (Bot.), a Cape Colony name for Indian millet.

kaffir corn

n. The cultivated species of sorghum, ''Sorghum bicolor'', used as a food for people and animals and in ethanol production.

kaffir corn

n. important for human and animal food; growth habit and stem form similar to Indian corn but having sawtooth-edged leaves [syn: great millet, kaffir, kafir corn, Sorghum bicolor]

Usage examples of "kaffir corn".

And she didn't begrudge him these little forays from time to time, so long as the bean crops were in, and the kaffir corn had been harvested, so that the natives who formed Tarzan's retinue would not know want.