Kaboklei is a 2009 Manipuri film directed by Pilu Heigrujam and produced by Bandana Maisnam. It stars Manda Leima as the titular protagonist, Hamom Sadananda and Laimayum (O) Seema in the lead, with Dhanamanjuri, Narendra Ningomba, Sorri Senjam, Lalit, R.K. Hemabati, Ranjit, Bhogen, Ratan and Rina portraying supporting roles. The screenplay by Narendra Ningomba is based on Khaidem Pramodini's novel and drama Kabok Oikhrabi Kaboklei. Ranbir Thouna composed the soundtrack and Dr. S. Ibomcha and Khaidem Imo wrote the lyrics. The film was released at Hapta Kangjeibung, Imphal on 9 January 2009.