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k-Strophanthidin is a cardenolide found in species of the genus Strophanthus. It is the aglycone of k-strophanthin, an analogue of ouabain. k-strophanthin is found in the ripe seeds of Strophanthus kombé and in the lily Convallaria.

K-Strophantidin can be differentiated into:

  • k-Strophanthin-α, h-Strophanthin, Cymarin, Strophanthidin-D-cymarosid (CAS: 508-77-0)
  • k-Strophanthin-β, k-Strophanthin, Strophosid, Strophanthidin-glucocymarosid (CAS: 560-53-2)
  • k-Strophanthin-γ,k-Strophanthosid, Strophanthidin-diglucocymarosid (CAS: 33279-57-1)
  • Convallatoxin or Strophanthidin-L-rhamnosid (CAS: 508-75-8)
  • Convallosid or Strophanthidin-glucorhamnosid (CAS: 13473-51-3)

Strophantidin is a cardiac glycoside which mechanism of action is similar to Digitalis, Ouabain and digitoxin. It specifically inhibits the membrane protein Na+/ K+ ATPase in muscle tissue (heart) which can lead to Ca2+ overload, diastolic dysfunction, arrythmias and ultimately to heart failure and death. Native African tribes used Strophantidin among other toxins as arrow poison.