Jwalantham is a 2016 Indian Kannada-language action thriller film written and directed by Ambarish B M and produced by Anu Rao. The movie stars Jwala (actor), Deepthi Kapse and Deepa Gowda in the lead roles. The film sheds light on the troubled farmers who have ended their life due to the hardships and increasing debt. The film is co-produced by Rajesh R Raikar, V Kumar, G K Nagaraj. The entire cast and crew of the film are introducing a new concept to the industry and with filming done in Shivamogga, Honnavar, Karkala, Karawara, it promises to be one of the most interesting and much awaited movies of 2016. With its unusual storyline and plot, Jwalantham is one of its kind and claims to be unique and such movie being never made.