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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Juxtaposition \Jux`ta*po*si"tion\ (j[u^]ks`t[.a]*p[-o]*z[i^]sh"[u^]n), n. [L. juxta near + positio position: cf. F. juxtaposition. See Just, v. i., and Position.] A placing or being placed in nearness or contiguity, or side by side; as, a juxtaposition of words.

Parts that are united by a a mere juxtaposition.

Juxtaposition is a very unsafe criterion of continuity.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1660s, from French juxtaposition (1660s), from Latin iuxta "beside, near" + French position (see position (n.)). Latin iuxta is a contraction of *iugista (adv.), superlative of adjective *iugos "closely connected," from stem of iugum "yoke," from iungere "to join" (see jugular).


n. 1 The nearness of objects with no delimiter. 2 # (context grammar English) An absence of linking elements in a group of words that are listed together. 3 # (context mathematics English) An absence of operators in an expression. 4 The extra emphasis given to a comparison when the contrasted objects are close together. 5 # (context arts English) Two or more contrasting sounds, colours, styles etc. placed together for stylistic effect. 6 # (context rhetoric English) The close placement of two ideas to imply a link that may not exist. vb. To place in juxtaposition.

  1. n. the act of positioning close together (or side by side); "it is the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colors" [syn: apposition, collocation]

  2. a side-by-side position


Juxtaposition may refer to:

  • Juxtaposition Magazine, a student-run global health magazine at the University of Toronto
  • Juxtaposition: Barons of Ceti V, a Wintersoft game

Usage examples of "juxtaposition".

Their theory is confirmed by the cases in which two mixed substances occupy a greater space than either singly, especially a space equal to the conjoined extent of each: for, as they point out, in an absolute interpenetration the infusion of the one into the other would leave the occupied space exactly what it was before and, where the space occupied is not increased by the juxtaposition, they explain that some expulsion of air has made room for the incoming substance.

What then in these instances can be the meaning of correlatives apart from our conception of their juxtaposition?

If we could know exactly what the old vessel had originally been loaded with, and the juxtaposition of the various articles of her cargo, plus the heat and time she had endured, plus one or two other only guessable quantities, we should have solved the chemistry of the life-force, gentlemen.

Sushi, eyeing the odd juxtaposition of hypermodern tourist traps and ruins dating to an age before space travel.

The fallen trees, the crushed thicket, the splintered limbs, the rudely torn-up soil, were made hideous by their grotesque juxtaposition with the wrecked fragments of civilization, in empty cans, broken bottles, battered hats, soleless boots, frayed stockings, cast-off rags, and the crowning absurdity of the twisted-wire skeleton of a hooped skirt hanging from a branch.

The seeming juxtaposition of those sounds with the now-useless torques of the Matrial and the fact that life was apparently so peaceful that many folk had yet to discover that the torques were useless brought home to Alucius how much of life rested on belief and illusion.

Imagine on a kind of platform which lifts the base from the ground, the most peculiar, the most incomprehensible, the most prodigious heaping up of large and little cabins, outside stairways, galleries with arcades and unexpected hiding-places and projections, unsymmetrical porches, chapels in juxtaposition, windows pierced in the walls at haphazard, indescribable forms and a rounding out of the interior arrangement, as if the architect, seated in the centre of his work had produced a building by thrusting it out from him.

His method is to use pure prismatic colors on the principle that color is light in a decomposed form, and that its proper juxtaposition on canvas will recompose into pure light again.

All the rooms of the new house were full to bursting with familiar things made strange and disturbing by their crowdedness and juxtaposition in this new setting, like an unwieldy nightmare into which an entire life has been shuffled out of impersonal malicious glee.

His bringing of the disturbing passages into juxtaposition where they could readily be compared proclaimed that even beginners in dialectic could, by selecting the right passages from the doctrinists, bolster either side of fundamental arguments.

When it comes to the earthbound matter of sex, the writer delivers, not a lonely masturbator at the computer, but a poetic, mock-traditional sex scene, layered with tenderness, unlikely juxtapositions, and incipient orgasms.

It also derives its poetic force from the ironic juxtaposition of ambivalent and contradictory signs to produce an ultimately tragicomic world view.

In competition, or rather juxtaposition, a Dixieland jazz trio strikes up, and as Duffy crosses Ship Street he is nearly run over by a unicyclist dressed as Charlie Chaplin.

Lycophron, whom I enjoy for his daring juxtaposition of sounds, figures and allusions, a complex system of echoes and mirrors.

May not VR, with its shifting subjectivities, its incompatible juxtapositions, its nomadic displacements, its piratical hackers, and its surprisingly intense netsex, become just such a space of messy, risky cultural innovation?