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n. An act of juxtaposition. vb. (present participle of juxtapose English)


Usage examples of "juxtaposing".

Pastiche of this sort is a lot like dressing in drag: in both, it's a matter of piling up and juxtaposing stereotypical traits, thereby transforming them into eccentricities and quirks.

Thats what poetry is all about, juxtaposing unlike images so that we can see how they fit together and how they make a greater picture that tells us more about the presentand ourselvesthan we knew before.

But at every turn Laidlaw updates the Lovecraftian tone, juxtaposing typically Lovecraftian passages with images that are almost bathetic in their mingling of everyday items and cosmic horror: a mandala descends "like a vast black sentient ceiling fan," while in its target's mind "something deeply rooted in all the errors and apprehensions of matter, sent a momentary spasm through her muscles, a surge of animal panic.

And lastly, juxtaposing God with dog is delightfully irreverent, which a lot of people won't admit to being outwardly—but inside they find it hilarious.