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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Justificatory \Jus*tif"i*ca*to*ry\ (?; 277), a. Vindicatory; defensory; justificative.


a. providing justification.

  1. adj. attempting to justify or defend in speech or writing [syn: defensive, justificative]

  2. providing justification [syn: justificative, vindicatory]

Usage examples of "justificatory".

Latour-Foissac had no sooner returned to France than he published a justificatory memorial, in which he showed the impossibility of his having made a longer defence when he was in want of many objects of the first necessity.

Barrere wrote a justificatory letter to the First Consul, who, however, took no notice of it, for he could not get so far as to favour Barrere.

Senate of Hamburg sent him a memorial, justificatory of its conduct, and backed the apology with a sum of four millions and a half, which mollified him considerably.