adv. at the same time as; "even as he lay dying they argued over his estate"; "the building collapsed just as he arrived" [syn: even as]
Usage examples of "just as".
We would have learned just as much, and they would never have known.
I wanted to tell Allie why I had chosen that specific wavelength, how proud I was that it was working just as I had planned it would.
It really was Margery Lee, and she was just as Sally Carrol had known she would be, with a young, white brow, and wide, welcoming eyes, and a hoop-skirt of some soft material that was quite comforting to rest on.
And after all this is over for you, tell yourself again that you have a very good memory, just as you told me.
He would expect my network to replace me, just as his own had replaced Rinker.
I'd performed a model tag from Spassky Gate this evening, but I'd done as well two days ago and he'd seen me and set the trap, just as he was doing now.
The driver shook his head and said no good, no good, so I got in and gave him five hundred dels in denominations of fifty and told him he was my driver for the rest of the day and I wanted to go to the Royal Cambodian Hotel just as fast as he could do it.