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Jurix was an early GNU/Linux distribution created by Florian La Roche, a former employee of the legal department at Saarland University. The distribution was maintained between 1993 and 1999 and hosted on the now-defunct "" and "" domains.

In 1996, Jurix superseded Slackware as a base for SuSE Linux.

The name "Jurix" was borrowed from the department's first HTTP server, named by Alexander Sigel. It is not known whether the name was taken from the nearby Dutch law and IT organisation JURIX, or simply a portmanteau of "Jura" (meaning "law" in German) and "Linux".

A readme from 1999 touts the following software, among others:

  • modularized kernel 2.0.37 and 2.2.10
  • libc 5.4.46
  • egcs 1.1.2
  • ncurses 4.2-980822
  • shadow passwords
  • XFree86
  • KDE 1.1.1

JURIX is a foundation based in the Netherlands that deals with legal subjects in relation to information technology and especially interconnects computer and legal scientists from that country. It is known for organizing the so-called open and international JURIX conferences that are held annually since 1988. Its self attribution suffix is Foundation for Legal Knowledge and Information Systems, Foundation for Legal Knowledge Based Systems or in its logo in shortened form Foundation for Legal Knowledge Systems.